AUGENBLICK BERLIN Now Available @ LeseGlück

Exciting news! 📚✨ AUGENBLICK BERLIN is now available at our newest partner, LeseGlück (@buchhandlung_leseglueck) in Berlin!

It's the perfect addition to your collection or a thoughtful gift for someone special. Pop by their beautiful store at Ohlauer Straße 37 to grab your copy of the stunning photo book by Julie Schoen and dive into the incredible stories of resilience and strength from inspiring women in Berlin during the pandemic.
#SupportLocal #BookLovers #PhotographyBooks #AUGENBLICKBERLIN #BerlinWomen #BerlinStories #Resilience #Strength #PhotographyProject #CoffeetableBooks #BookRelease #BerlinPhotography #PandemicStories #Photobooks #SupportWomen #bookstagramgermany #bookstagram #LeseGlück


AUGENBLICK BERLIN Now Available @book_affairs_berlin


AUGENBLICK BERLIN Now Available @ Kisch & Co